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Be CALM Program Training Opportunities

Be CALM Hybrid Mindfulness Course

Enroll by January 24, 2025

Fee: $65*

Educators begin the Be CALM Teacher Training pathway with a virtual Be CALM Hybrid Mindfulness course that blends self-paced learning and live ZOOM sessions. The time commitment for the course is approximately 4-6 hours over the course of 4-6 weeks. This course must be completed in order to teach the Be CALM student curriculum and to become a Certified Be CALM coach.


*Participants will need to purchase either a digital copy or hard copy of the book Mindfulness in the Secondary Classroom (2019) by Patricia C. Broderick at their own expense.  

Sign up for the Be CALM newsletter to be notified about free workshops and future training opportunities.


We offer on-site trainings for schools that are interested in implementation across one or more grade levels with at least 8 staff participants. 

The Be CALM Program was developed at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. UNC-CH owns all rights to the program and curriculum.

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